Homo erectus is by most scientist's reasoning our direct ancestor but there are some that do disagree with this theory.
There is nothing that can be considered a cold, hard fact on this topic but the fact that they are an extinct Hominid species
that died out when Homo sapiens started to take over as the more intelligent life form on earth. There is no evidence that
when the two races met, whether they met as friends or enemies but both these are thought to be possible. Maybe Homo sapiens
as a superior race were just better suited for the changing world and Homo erectus just could not compete.
As a race they became extinct by one way or another, but like the extinction of the dinosaurs, this is a much-debated
topic with as many different theories. While their bones and tools can tell us so much about our ancestors, there is still
so much that they cannot yet say. There is much information that we do not know and even through centuries of searching, we
many never completely find the answers.
